June 2024

How to Maximize Snowflake Cost Savings without Sacrificing Performance
Snowflake cost savings don’t have to come at the expense of performance. Learn how to strike the balance and optimize your cloud spend in this article.

Snowflake Summit 2024: Changes & Trends in the Data Cloud Community
This year’s Snowflake Summit featured some dramatic changes that signal positive things for the market overall. Here’s our summary of the event.

Getting Control of Data Cloud Costs: A Snowflake Case Study
What you need to know to bring financial control and accountability to your cloud spending.

Why Snowflake Costs Get Out of Control—and How to Stop It
Snowflake costs aren’t immune to over-provisioning just because they’re in the cloud. Here are some reasons why this happens and how to avoid it in the future.

8 Snowflake Metrics to Help You Optimize Your Spend Now
You can reduce Snowflake costs without spending a dime—here are eight metrics to monitor in our free Snowflake Workload Intelligence tool.