Keebo Warehouse Optimization Security Setup
See the Snowflake users, roles, and permissions you will set for Keebo. It takes only a few minutes to set up, and it is minimal in scope.
Keebo Warehouse Optimization Security Overview
Keebo’s warehouse optimization for Snowflake does not access user data. See Keebo’s security architecture and the Snowflake metadata we read.
Snowflake Cost Optimization: 6 Cost Reduction Strategies
If you’re looking for ways to reduce your Snowflake costs, you’re in the right place—here are our top six Snowflake cost optimization strategies.
Using AI to Save Money on Snowflake: A Practical Guide for the Data Team
This guide examines Snowflake optimization capabilities, the most important way to reduce Snowflake costs, and how to use AI to automate Snowflake savings.
Keebo’s Complete Guide to Optimizing Snowflake’s Cost and Query Performance
This document compares manual and automated approaches for the most important tuning parameters in Snowflake.
Keebo Warehouse Optimization Trial Checklist
Ready to see the Snowflake savings for yourself? We’d love to get you started on a 2-week free trial of Keebo. Review our trial checklist and then schedule 30 minutes with us for setup.
Automated Warehouse Optimization Using Data Learning
This peer-reviewed article submitted to SIGMOD describes the basics of Keebo’s patented data learning technology and the results of its application.