Data Engineering

Keebo | Choosing the Best Snowflake Warehouse Size

Choosing the Best Snowflake Warehouse Size

Because Snowflake is a pay-as-you-go data cloud, and the main thing you are paying for is warehouse size, it pays to get the warehouse size right. You can try to do this on your own or enlist a fully-automated optimizer like Keebo to do it for you. Let’s discuss.
Keebo | Ways Data Learning Advances a Data Engineer’s Career

Ways Data Learning Advances a Data Engineer’s Career

Today’s most successful businesses–Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Tesla, and more–were all built by data-obsessed technology pioneers who know no limits.  As a data engineer, you know all about data, so that’s a great start. But what about the…

Keebo | How Data Engineers can win Friends and Influence People

How Data Engineers can win Friends and Influence People

To succeed in life, “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” That advice seems counterintuitive to data engineers because it’s all about what you know: how to design data models, build data assets, and deliver data products. It…